
How to Prepare and Submit Your Financial Information to Helpbox


How to Prepare and Submit Your Financial Information to Helpbox

Keeping your business finances in order is crucial for your success. At Helpbox, we aim to make the process as smooth as possible. To help us prepare your accounts efficiently, we need some essential information from you. This guide will walk you through what’s needed, where to find it, and how to submit it to us. Plus, if we’re already handling your payroll or VAT, we’ll highlight what we’ve already got covered.

What Information Do We Need?

Here’s a handy checklist of the financial data and documents we’ll need:

  1. Sales Invoices
    • What: Records of all the sales made by your business during the accounting period.
    • Where to Find It: These should be in your sales ledger or invoicing software. If you use an accounting software package, these can typically be exported as a CSV file.
  2. Purchase Invoices
    • What: Receipts for all the goods and services you’ve purchased.
    • Where to Find It: Your purchase ledger or receipt management app will have these. For those still using paper, a scan or a clear photo will suffice.
  3. Bank Statements
    • What: A complete set of bank statements for the period, covering all accounts including savings and loans.
    • Where to Find It: These can usually be downloaded directly from your online banking portal as PDFs.
  4. Payroll Records
    • What: Details of all wages paid to employees, including PAYE and National Insurance contributions.
    • Where to Find It: If Helpbox handles your payroll, you can skip this step! We’ll already have your payroll data on file. If you manage payroll independently, your payroll software should have these records ready to export. If you manage payroll manually, a summary spreadsheet will work.
  5. Expense Receipts
    • What: Receipts for business expenses, including travel, office supplies, and meals.
    • Where to Find It: Look through your expense management system or your shoebox of receipts. We recommend scanning these for easier submission.
  6. VAT Returns
    • What: Copies of all VAT returns submitted during the period.
    • Where to Find It: If Helpbox manages your VAT submissions, there’s no need to provide these documents. We’ll already have your VAT returns on record. If you handle VAT independently, you can find these in your VAT account within your accounting software or HMRC’s VAT online account.
  7. Fixed Asset Records
    • What: A record of all assets purchased and sold during the period, including vehicles, machinery, and office equipment.
    • Where to Find It: This is usually kept in an asset register, either within your accounting software or as a standalone spreadsheet.
  8. Loan and Finance Agreements
    • What: Details of any loans or finance agreements, including interest payments and outstanding balances.
    • Where to Find It: Check your loan statements, finance agreements, and accounting software for these details.
  9. Previous Year’s Accounts
    • What: A copy of your previous year’s financial statements, if this is your first time working with us.
    • Where to Find It: These should be in your files or stored in your accounting software.

How to Submit Your Information

Once you’ve gathered all your documents, here’s how to get them to us:

  1. Electronic Submissions:
    • If you’re using accounting software, please add us as a user with the email address Make sure to notify your account manager that access has been granted, so we can start the process immediately.
    • For documents stored on your computer, you can email them to your account manager. We recommend using a secure file transfer method for sensitive information.
  2. Physical Submissions:
    • If you prefer to submit physical copies, please send or deliver them to our office at:
      • Helpbox UK
      • 203 West Street
      • Fareham
      • PO16 0EN
    • Be sure to include a cover letter detailing what you’ve provided, so we can easily cross-check.

Need a Template? We’ve got you covered

To make things even easier, we offer spreadsheet templates to help you organise your information. These templates cover everything from sales invoices to fixed assets, ensuring you don’t miss a thing. If you’d like one, just let us know by contacting your account manager.

Tips for Gathering Your Information

  • Regular Updates: Try to keep your financial records updated regularly. This will save you time when it comes to year-end accounting.
  • Use Software: If you’re not already using accounting software, consider switching. It simplifies the process and makes it easier to share information with us.
  • Double-Check: Before submitting, double-check that all documents are complete and correctly labelled. This helps us avoid any delays in preparing your accounts.

If you have any questions or need assistance with gathering your financial information, don’t hesitate to contact your account manager. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

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